Nice App but EXPENSIVE to Set Up and Maintain
Multiple times I have conveyed my requests and ideas to CollectorZ and yet no changes. You still have to pay for a scanner, you have to pay for desktop software changes when it goes from to you can not enter ANYTHING into the app, no wish lists, no comments...nothing has change and it is just a worthless app that lists everything. NO MORE...iCollect Music has replaced this app and it couldnt come fast enough. This app is FREE, allows you to use your iPhone to scan the bar codes, backup/restore, not deskstop software needed. The developer is very responsive and listens to his customers and you can DOCUMENT NOTES, CREATE WISH LISTS and much more. I do NOT recommend this app at all as someone else has listened!!!
I have used the desktop version of Movies and Music for years but was frustrated when not only did I have to buy each app, but I had to pay to upgrade my software to the pro version. This was over $119 to install two apps and have them work with my databases. I can not afford any of the others because there are no return customer discounts or incentives to keep going. When the move to the next major software level such as going from 6.00 to 7.00 you will have to pay again. The minor updates are free. It is just to much when you add up the cost to get going and then the maintenance fees that will eventually catch up with you. Too bad...great idea but not customer friendly.
The app iteslf is fine and works as advertised except for the disappointing ability to add music that I want, find or hear to the app and then check it off as you purchase a song. There is no where to keep a shopping list of what I need unless I do it on the computer. What if I hear a song away from the computer that I want to remember and purchase at a later time? Not in this app and it is sad.
Having my library with me and being able to prevent duplicates plus the bonus of having additional info on the artist/song is another plus. I really like these apps and the ability to work with my desktop but the cost has just turned me off to adding anymore.
SFC @rcher about
CLZ Music - CD/vinyl database